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Here is the latest information about what we do and where we are involved in the industry. Stay on top of current AHD news and events.
Victor Lagroon joins AHD as Head of Global Healthcare Strategy
Oct. 25, 2023
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)’s first Chief Diversity Officer, Victor LaGroon joins AHD as Head of Global Healthcare Strategy -
Reuter's Fireside Chat
Nov. 8-9, 2022
Our Founder is the Fireside Chat Guest with Mark Duman at Reuter’s Pharma & Patient USA 2022, Title Patient-Centered Data, a path forward for Pharma innovation. -
The Economist's Data Dividend Round Table
October 25, 2022
Our Founder was a Featured Guest at The Economist’s Data Dividend C-Suite Roundtable -
GenomeWeb’s Precision Oncology and Diagnostics Summit
October 19-20, 2022
Our Founder Led a Panel at GenomeWeb’s Precision Oncology and Diagnostics Summit on utilizing trust and market approaches to enable exponential innovation.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Millions in Research, a Few Tears, and the Impossible
Can St. Louis Solve the Delmar Divide? The McDonnell Foundation & Jason Purnell Just Might.
I am very surprised that national and international news outlets have yet to cover James S. McDonnell Foundation’s shift from a “worldwide focus on behavioral and biomedical sciences research to contributions in economic development and mobility, life sciences, PK-12 STEM education, and workforce development, specifically within the St. Louis Metropolitan area.” Read More

Genome Web's Precision Oncology and Diagnostic Summit
I had a great time speaking with leaders from #clinical, #pathology, #diagnostics, and regulatory grade #realworlddata #realworldevidence generators and aggregators.
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